Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant- Round 2

This is a preview of the Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant Round 2 Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant (MEEG) Program is a $7.1 million Queensland Government program helping small and medium sized manufacturers to reduce overall energy costs, energy use, operational emissions and to improve awareness of energy use.

The MEEG Program is an implementation action under the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and also complements the Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan.

Before starting your application

When preparing your application, it is important to:

  • read the Applicant Guidelines 
  • understand the eligibility requirements for an applicant entity. Eligibility requirements, as stated in the Applicant Guidelines include:
    • be a Queensland based business whose principal activity and majority annual turnover is derived from manufacturing, as defined under Division C of the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006;
    • be registered for GST and hold an active Australian Business Number (ABN);
    • be an SME with between five and 200 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. A minimum of 5 FTE employees must be located in Queensland;
    • have a proposed Eligible Project that meets the requirements set out in Section 2.4;
    • have a minimum of 12 months access to the project site address in Queensland (either through ownership or an executed lease agreement or similar);
    • have quotes for a minimum of $7,500 excluding GST of Eligible Project costs for lighting only projects or a minimum of $10,000 excluding GST of Eligible Project costs for other eligible projects (which may also include lighting), noting that additional quotes or project costs cannot be added to an application once it has been submitted;
    • have operated within Queensland for a minimum of 12 months at the time of submitting an application;
    • have the financial capacity and standing necessary to successfully undertake and complete the proposed Eligible Project, recognising that the grant payments are made in arrears;
    • not have received or be subject to funding for the project under any other local, state or federal government grant, scheme or program;
    • not have, and must not be, an Associated Entity of an entity that has received funding under the MEEG Program that in aggregate exceeds $50,000 (excluding GST)
    • not have, and must not be, an Associated Entity of an entity that has been awarded MEEG Round 1 and has not completed the project
    • accept that the department may require security over any single Eligible Project item that exceeds $100,000 in value, for a period of seven years
    • not be insolvent or have owners or directors that are an undischarged bankrupt; and
    • not be a federal, state or local government entity, statutory authority or special purpose vehicle or not-for-profit organisation.
  • understand the eligibility requirements for a proposed project (see Section 2.4 Eligible Projects on page 3-4 of the guidelines).

Submitting your application

To apply, you must complete this online application form ensuring you:

  • address all eligibility criteria
  • provide all the information requested
  • include all necessary attachments.

Submission of this Application requires you to accept the Terms and Conditions of submission and certify that you are authorised by your business to submit the application. 

Confidentiality, privacy and use of information

The Department will maintain controls in relation to the management of confidential information provided by applicants. Applicants should specifically mark any information the applicant considers to be confidential.

An applicant must keep confidential its application, any information provided to the Department in connection with its application and its dealings with the Department about its application but may make disclosures if required by law or to its representatives or advisors who are under an obligation of confidentiality. An applicant must also keep confidential any information designated by the State as confidential.

The Department may disclose information, including confidential information, of or provided by an applicant:

  • to its representatives and advisors for any purpose
  • to any government agency or authority and its representatives and advisors, including for the purpose of assessing and verifying such information
  • to comply with or meet applicable standards of accountability of public money or established government policies, procedures or protocols; or
  • if required to be disclosed by law.

The Department collects personal information during the application process. Personal information will be used and may be disclosed for the purpose of processing, assessing and making a decision about the application, and as authorised by law. This may include personal information being disclosed to third parties and other government agencies for purposes in connection with the assessment of applications (and if an application is successful, in connection with administration of any subsequent agreement). The State will otherwise deal with personal information provided to it in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Privacy Statement of the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water.

1. I understand these confidentiality, privacy and use of information statements and the implications to information I provide: * Required
2. I have read and understood the Applicant Guidelines * Required
You must read and understand the applicant guidelines prior to submitting a Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Grant application. A copy of the guidelines can be found here. Please right click and open in a new window.